Tawang Upland Farmer’s Association – Tambangan, Santa Cruz, Marinduque – March 12, 2021

This activity intends to orient members of Tawang Upland Farmers Association (TUFA) on native pig project conducted at Marinduque State College Torrijos. This extension activity was a product of the completed and on-going research program of Marinduque State College-School of Agriculture on Philippine native pig through fund assistance from DOST-PCAARRD. The on-going program titled Strategic Interventions for Sustainable Production of Marinduque Native Pigs has three (3) project components: Improvement of productive and reproductive performance of nucleus Marinduke breeders, Performance and profitability testing of Marinduke pig at farmers’ field and Sustainable production of feeds in support of Marinduke pig production. Furthermore, this orientation intends to identify farmer co-operators of the project.

The orientation started 9:50 in the morning with a prayer lead by Ms. Niña Recto, the daughter of one of the members of TUFA. Afterwards, Hon. Napoleon Rioveroz delivered his welcome message in place of Hon. Bernardo Pastoral, Brgy. Captain of Tambangan, who was attending an equally important matter. He welcomed and acknowledged the presence, effort and time exerted by the group from MSC Torrijos and thankful for the livelihood opportunity that the Marinduque State College have for their association. Then, Mr. Julie Rodelas, Branch Administrator of MSC Torrijos, rendered an opening remarks. He acknowledged the presence of the participants and on his message he shared an idiom written by Sen. Sergio Osmeña related to the activity that says “Give a man a fish and he will have something to eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will have it for a lifetime”. After that, Ms. Marilyn Mayores, Project 2 Leader, thanked the participants for taking time to attend the activity. Further, she oriented the group on the objective of their visit and shared about the Project and the update on the distribution of Markaduke Pig at Torrijos and informed them that Brgy. Tambangan was the first barangay at Municipality of Sta. Cruz to be oriented regarding the project. In addition, she hopes for the cooperation of the group and shared recent experiences on the transfer of materials. To end her message, she reiterates the importance of cooperation and unity for the success of the project.

The orientation proper was facilitated by Ms. Robles where she oriented the participants on the updates of native pig research undertaken by MSC and its partner institutions. The different breeds of native pig developed by the program from other research sites were also introduced. Subsequently, Ms. Perlas discussed the terms and conditions stated in the Memorandum of Understanding between Marinduque State College and Tawang Upland Farmers Association. Then, Ms. Perlas informed the body on the roles of TUFA and the responsibilities of each recipient of Markaduke gilt. The TUFA shall conduct monthly monitoring, report to MSC any concerns that may arise from the material transfer gilt. On the other hand, the Contract of Agreement states that, the recipient of Markaduke gilt shall provide feeds, care and shelter for the gilt, report to TUFA any concerns and transfer 2 heads of female piglets to TUFA members to intensify population of Markaduke pigs at farmer’s field. The queries of the participants were acknowledged and answered by Ms. Mayores, Ms. Robles, Ms. Reforma, Ms. Loto and Ms. Perlas.

The activity ended through a closing remarks by Mr. Alexander R. Pastoral. He conveyed appreciation to the group for the knowledge they have shared and for considering their association as beneficiaries of this extension activity. He is hoping that each recipient of Markaduke gilts will seriously raise the native pigs and help in the intensification of Makaduke pig population in their barangay. He also emphasized that each TUFA members will have Markaduke pig before extending the project to other associations.

Author : Giselle Perlas(Science Research Analyst – MSC Native Pig)

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